Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations – job well done!!

Go Ahead…You Can Do It!

Too often were quick the point on our flaws, unattained goals, achievements that we never quite grabbed, daunting tasks ahead, failures, mishaps, etc. We put too much emphasis on what’s at the end of the finish line.  

We’re here to tell you CONGRATULATIONS – because in spite of all of those things you’re still here. You’re still standing. You’re still reading this which means you are fighting the good fight. You care.

You’re Awesome – Drink It In!!

You are not down and out. You are open to growth, learning new things, turning your setbacks into Stepping Stones, & turning your failures into lessons. In this very moment right here, right now we want you to congratulate yourself and say job well done.

Victory is an ongoing mindset. It’s that person who walks around as if they already won the Super Bowl even if they’d never even made it to the playoffs. It’s saying I’m a winner. I’m a winner at life because I choose to accept each moment for what it is. I need every present second in its very own space. Accept it for what it is, accept me for who I am, and in that moment you’re able to open up and truly experience others in a way that is more fulfilling than you ever could have imagined.

You see things in a way with a more profound Joy. There truly is beauty everywhere with that mindset. A sunset is more vivid. The colors of the ocean are a deeper, more rich blue. The snow takes on, not just a standard dull white color, but a powder magical glow. Everything becomes better, more enlightened, more enriching, & more fulfilling.

When you’re not placing the emphasis on the end game, you allow yourself to appreciate the now. We are all familiar with the old saying, “The past is a history, the future is a mystery, but now is a gift which is why we call it the present.” That is so profound and true that it’s mind-blowing and yet simple at the same time.

There’s no way for us to go back and reshape the past, we can’t possibly know what’s to come in the future, so all we have power and control over is our perception and ability to receive and accept the now. The now is what we have control over which means your emotion & how you’re feeling as your reading this. If you are at odds with what you should be doing with your life, how you should be spending your time, start with the now.

Right now, how would you like to spend your time?

One day when you retire you would like to travel the world. One day you’re going to hit the gym and start working out. One day when you feel like you have enough time you’re going to learn a new language.

Guess what today is?!?!

Today is the time.

No More Procrastinating…It’s THE TIME!!

Let’s Go!!

Put one foot in front of the other….but no matter what – start.

If you can’t travel the world right now, go to the library & go to the Travel section. Immerse yourself with a bunch of books about fascinating places where you would like to go. Maybe that one change of action spurs something different in you. Once you can afford the ticket, purchase the ticket, but for now put yourself in that place, and take your mind body and soul and transform it so you’re immersed in that travel experience. Live that way in the present and you will be amazed at what follows after that.

Go get it!

When your on your deathbed and you’re looking out at your family and friends, would you rather say to them,

“I wish I had.”


“I am glad I did.”

This is what the Holiday Rising Lifestyle is to us. Granted, not everyone’s needs are like ours. Everyone’s likes and dislikes are not ours right. We’re not trying to say there is one way to live your life, and if you don’t live like that, shame on you, you’re missing out.

No, it is exactly the opposite. It’s the freedom to say, “I have my path & you have yours. We hope we can all live our true selves. All live out our righteous path, so that we all uplift each other because we are all part of one big Grand Design.”

If the greater of us is more fulfilled operating at a higher frequency, living life at their best, we can all benefit. We are all reaping the rewards of true awareness of self. We can all appreciate this world a little bit more if we’re all taking care of ourselves.

It can help Propel the human race as a whole to the next level. Push the boundaries of who we are, and what we are here for, because if we believe that the universe is truly infinite we have to get ready to elevate for the next level, right?!

And that’s what stopping to congratulate yourself in this moment is all about.

Take your Victory. Take the accomplishment of being in the I’m trying or I am working on myself, or I am doing what I can to learn to grow to help myself so that I may help others.

Positivity is absolutely infectious. When you make a conscious good choice about one little thing it tends to lead to numerous others. It just takes one courageous act to say I’m going to put in the effort to try to be my best self and in that itself is Victory.

Congratulations!! You have won.