What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?!

And Do I Have It???

There areso many of us who seem fall into a slump or mini malaise every year around the same time? For some, it is related to holiday blues or bad memories relating to personal circumstance. And there are others who simply have no other way to describe their moody blues but to the changing of the weather.

Ever since I was young, I felt like I had a special kinship with the sun. I fell in love with the way it warmed my skin and caused everything to have a golden glow. The Sun along with large bodies of water have always had an unusual pull on me as if I had no choice but to follow the calling of wherever they were in order to feel whole.

A cherished Family friend and father figure, Dr. Alton Kirk, the Author of Black Suicide , once told my Bestie Kristi and I, that there was an actual scientific term for people who became deeply sullen when there was an extreme lack of Sunlight and or other weather changes.

As an adult, I now know he was absolutley correct and the great news is there are ways to treat it. Growing up in the state of Michigan was tough for sun seekers as it is one of the cloudiest states in America. Fortunately, my Grandparents and Parents instilled a love of travel, and always had us on the road or on a cruise to a foriegn country where the sun beat down like a warm blanket of love. Inviting, bright and hopeful.

I wanted to reach out and extend knowledge of something that so many people may be suffering from and have no clue. Not saying that seasonal affective disorder is the reason for all depression or suffering, but a possibility for curious feelings with no answer as to why. If you think you may also suffer from this, please head to your doctor and get a proper diagnosis. Maybe, just maybe, it could be your way to cure a curious feeling of despair.


Holiday Rising

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