Celebrating 50 Magical Years at Walt Disney World!!!
Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Milestones like turning 50 are amazing markers of resilience, growth and an abundance of memories. And no one quite does celebrating in extravagance like Disney!! Since opening it’s doors in the early 1970’s Disney World has stood the test of time, expanded it’s offerings and continued to shock and amaze all who venture through the magical markers stating it’s the “The most magical place on earth”.

Ace at Hollywood Studios!!
While many doubted the scuccess of Disney world back in the 50’s and 60’s when Walt Disney was trying to buy up land for an amazing world of wonder in the middle of swampland and not much else, He was steadfast in his vision. He saw potential where very few others did and with his vision of an escape to wonder and the future, brining families together was thought to be just a money pit whim of fantasy. But as we ventured down south this spring break to tackle all four parks again, Magic Kingdon, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom, just keep getting better with time! Creating a sense of new adventures and memories to share.

Here we go!!! Our ritualistic Family pose at the Magic Kingdom Entrance!
I tip my hat to people who have incredible creativity, but also the courage to see thier dreams become reality despite all odds. It often takes years, even decades for true goals and dreams to be realized, but it is worth it as you sit in your once just colorful dreams. When you can say you set a goal, dream or plan that is so far fetched that it makes your stomach quesy and then set out to accomplish it anyway is pretty ‘bad ass’ if you ask me. That is true courage. The Great Muhammad Ali once said “If your dreams don’t scare you, then they are not big enough”. To be scared to try something but be moved to do it anyway is remarkably courageous and maybe one of the reasons Disney and Disney World still holds so much wonder, is that just by going and witnessing the magic first hand, a bit of magic dust is sprinkled on you and inspires the adventurist in us all to strive for the absolute greatest of ourselves.

Auntie Mern and Kingston Chillin’ at Animal Kingdom
There is hope and joy in the faces of people being inspired by Walt Disney and his pursuit to see a vision of what many would call impractical and delusional even to Fruition. I hope that all who read this feel empowered by whatever pursuits tickle your fancy in your dreams. With a strong idea, a great plan, and the willingness to see it through no matter what, we can all see our passionate visions come true!

Ace & Kingtson soaking in the magic of Main Street at Magic Kingdom

Mern & Malaika (M&M) bravely taking on the amazing and spectacular new Gaurdians of the
Galaxy Roller Coaster at Epcot.

Colin taking it easy at Epcot, enjoying the display of countries,
and searching for the best food!!!

Malaika enjoying the perfect Disney Snack. The Mickey Pretzel!!
YAAAAAAAS Disney, you make 50 look Fabulous!