Let It Snow!!!

A few cool fun facts and benefits of the fluffy white stuff..
Okay, so most of you know I would much rather lounge on a sandy beach any day rather than be pelted with a snowball. And Although Hawai’i will always be home in our hearts, we have been able to appreciate the beautiful mountains and snowfalls in Denver and Boise.

Being born and raised in the Great Lake State of Michigan, I have seen my fair share of icy cold winters and blistering winds but there are also some amazing joys that the snow brings as well. Aside from making snowmen, snowangels and igloos, a beautiful crisp white snowfall on the perfect winter’s night is an amzing sight to behold. For many, skiing, ice skating, sledding and so many other outdoor winter hobbies are every bit worth the wait for the other 3 seasons.

Here are some cool facts and benefits about snow that you may not be aware of:
1. Snow helps to insulate the ground below, holding in heat and preventing moisture from evaporating into the atmosphere.
2. It takes about one hour for a snow flake to reach the ground
3. No two snowflakes are alike
4.There must be pollen or dust in the air for snow to form
5.All snowflakes have six sides.

So the next time you are able to enjoy a beautiful snow fall, grab your boots, hat and gloves and get out there!!
Happy Holiday Rising!!