Does the seven-year itch apply to vacation destinations?
Hmmmm. Let’s see, we have all heard of the marital tale of the seven-year marital itch where the shine wears off and the real work of partnership, communication, and acceptance kicks in. While some don’t experience this I wonder if this also applies in other areas or aspects of our lives. They say your taste buds for food change every seven years, how about your musical tastes, hobbies, interests, reading selections, or yes even vacation destinations?
Our beautiful world is full of countless places to explore and exotic destinations to cross off of our list, however, some locations, at least for me are constants. I’m proud to say that there a a couple of locations that are so ingrained in my vacation experience, that they truly feel like home. A true Disney kid at heart, I have been going to Disney World with my family for over 40 years religiously and you know what… I still get the same wonderful butterflies every time I cross that magical Welcome to Disney World sign. It’s as if every single visit provides a new magical experience. Whether the experience is new because of a new attraction, venturing with a different family circle, or just our immediate family of 4. Every time is an amazing experience that fills my heart with joy, even now!! I don’t think Disney will ever get old to me.
Now for the ultimate vacation destination for me, that also rings true as home is Idlewild Michigan. My wonderland oasis of the North. A destination that once served as one of the only 3 active vacation areas for Blacks in the 1940s-1960 it was a bustling town that offered endless parties, gatherings, events, celebrities, and families looking to let off steam and unwind in the comforts of the ultimate outdoor playground.

In the ’70s and ’80s, Idlewild transitioned into a small community of families who kept the legacy and family tradition of owning vacation property and gathering over holiday breaks and summertime fun. Here we could count on, barbeques, making smore’s, setting off fireworks, and playing endless games of cards while listening to music are just some of the many fun activities everyone would look forward to.
Here is where I learned to roller skate, ride a bike, swim, fish, and yes snipe hunt! so many memories of summer vacations in Idlewild fill my heart with joy and every time we return with the boys, we find new things to appreciate. Even writing this article, I can’t keep the grin off of my face when strolling down memory lane.
So I guess for me, no matter where I travel and fall in love with. Some vacation spots are just stuck with me and I am a loyal one or two favorite vacation type of gal. But this certainly doesn’t stop me from appreciating and having a thirst to explore everywhere I can. I just make sure to keep my favorite two spots in the rotation!!
Happy Holiday Rising