All eyes on Me…
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with expectations and weighed down by other people’s ideas of how you should be or live your life? Well then, you are not alone. So many feel depressed, exhausted, or even motivated by what others think of them. But why does it matter so much? With Society’s constant hammering of the perfect vacation destination, home, family, and other things, it’s no wonder we are fighting a constant battle with ourselves about how to act and spend our time.
Let us not buy into those ideas of how others envision you (unless you share those views of yourself). Instead, boldly revel in the uniqueness of you! Your lifestyle, your hobbies, your goals and desires are all fabulous, and if others don’t agree, screw em’. Go to those travel destinations that others would sneer at, watch those movies that would make others gag. Eat, drink, and be merry on your dime and time. Not anyone else’s!! Trust us, you will love it. You may even be surprised to find that when others see you at your best, it’s contagious and just might force them to see you and your lifestyle in a new light without judgment. But if they never come around, oh well.
We all know the older we get the life is too short to sweat the small stuff. And 100% what other people think of us, is none of our business. Those are their hangups that they can worry or fixate about. Leave yourself right out of it. Focus on your happiness and goals, and everything will fall happily into place, as it should. And since those who are so opinionated about how you are doing can’t stop watching you, give them a show!! Live your very best life on your terms. You deserve it!