Appreciative of Good Deeds and Kind Hearts

Spreading Kindness and Joy!

The best cake we have ever had!! Thank you Tina Crowley for this delicious custom chocolate cake for Ace’s 12th Bday, and Coach for his amazing Glove!!! We truly appreciate your love for our boys and the community at large!
Cakes by Tina, Aurora Colorado

I would love to talk about sharing a piece of yourself with someone. Giving a thought, talent and or time to someone can show others you care more than you know. What may feel like a little gesture could end up meaning the world to someone else. I love it when strangers hold the door open for you and hold your glance with a kind gleam in their eye and likewise when, you do the same for them they respond with a thoughtful thank you that comes from the heart. Or when a person goes out of their way to ask someone how they are truly feeling, for no other reason but to be there and listen with kind ears.

Taking the time to give of oneself, is not only a gift to the recipient but the giver as well. I have always believed that the best way to pick yourself up is to do something kind for someone else. Or think positive thoughts and send well wishes to others.It is a no fail way to instantly feel better. Trust me, you have to try it. The next time you are feeling burdened by the world, insecure, sad or just indifferent, do something sweet and thoughtful for someone and watch how immediate your joy rushes in!!! It’s like an instant super power solution in dealing with these tough times, the world has thrust upon us.

Also, just saying the words “I am thankful” I am  grateful” I appreciate you” all go such a long way. When people go out of their way to be kind, thoughtful and generous with either their time, emotions or money it is a real gift, and just like Stevie Wonder said in his masterpiece “As” “Did you know that true love asks for nothing?… Her acceptance is the way we pay!”

Happy Holiday Rising


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