Dress For Success

We all know that it’s important to eat your vegetables, excersice and take care of your overall health and wealth in order to feel your best. Along with taking care of the inside, let’s dive a little bit into the importance of putting your best food forward and strutting your wares like a peacock on the outside as well. That’s right, looking your best, can equate to feeling your best and often it’s hard to know which spurs on which!! The old addage “fake it til you make it” comes to mind.

If you desire a fancy job that requires being styled to the nines, why wait unitl you get the job to dress as though you are already the boss. Strut your stuff right now!!! Pull out your finest gear and sport it as if you are already in the position you desire! The universe will pick up on the vibes you are sending off and put you exactly where you should be according to how you feel, look and express yourself.

The universe responds to energy, positive and negative. How you express yourself, feel about yourself and present yourself acts like a magnet and what you put out is what you are going to recieve in return, so make sure the impression you want to give is being represented!

How you are feeling can set the tone to what you wear and how you appear to the world so make sure the right impression is coming across. Sometimes, even when you are feeling blue or down and out, you can throw something special on and that can perk you right up in an instant. Or even if you are lacking a bit of confidence for an upcoming interview, meeting or special event, changing up your look and feeling great from head to toe in your nicest gear can surely change things around in a heartbeat.

It doesn’t take a long time, but can make a world of difference, so put your best foot forward and make sure that when you look in the mirror, you love what you see staring back at you!! You’ve got this, now go strut your stuff!!

Kingston is prepping his draft day fit!! #2034

Get swept away with the Splendor of the Sea!

A few health benefits of being near large bodies of water…

Research has increasingly highlighted the therapeutic benefits of being near the Ocean or large bodies of water. Some of the strong points include:

-Relaxing sounds of the waves provide a subconsious comforting effect.

-Studies show that people who live near a coast of any sort, tend to get outdoors and excercise more.

-It has been said that breathing sea air helps you sleep better!

-Salt water is nature’s skin care.

-Being near large bodies of water makes people happier according to Science Direct Journal.

So if you are looking to decrease your stress, improve the look of your skin, sleep more soundly and generally feel spectacular then look to a coast for solace!!!!

Congratulations and Happy 9th Birthday Kingston!!! National Park Trust’s newest and youngest Youth Brand Ambassador!

Check out his bio below and view his first published article about Two Step Beach in Hawai’i, on the National Park Trust Site Below!

Kingston on Two Step Beach, Hawai’i

Kingston Loftus


Greetings and a big huge Aloha! I’m Kingston and I am 8 years old and in the 3rd Grade. I was born in Kona, Hawai’i, and call the Big Island of Hawai’i and Colorado home. I am joining my brother Ace as a Student Ambassador this year for the National Park Trust and I am so excited.

I love to travel, play sports, and find outdoor adventures!

We will be popping up all around with our friend Buddy Bison. I have been to a lot of National Parks, some of my favorites are the many sites on the National Mall and Memorial Parks in Washington D.C, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (MI), Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park (HI), and Grand Canyon National Park (AZ). I can’t wait to see more, I think we may be going to Alaska this year, so stay tuned, maybe we’ll get to see Denali National Park and much more!!

You can follow me on my blog below and on my Instagram page which I share with my brother Ace called @kidstrust.

Idlewild Lake , Historic Idlewild Michigan
Beautiful Breckenridge Colorado
I’ve fallen in love with this reosrt! Hilton Hawaiian Village, Waikiki, Hawai’i
Reunion, Florida
Camping at Boise River in Boise Idaho
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