Adventure,  Family Time,  Inspiration,  Lifestyle

Dash into the holiday spirit, with the “Attitude of Gratitude”

The quickest way to help boost your mood and improve your outlook on life and circumstances is to have the “attitude of gratitude”. We were first introduced to this concept at the boys school in Hawai’i, at Honaunau. This attitude of gratitude takes a no holds barred approach to how you see things. Being grateful for everything around you and your many blessings, affords you a rosy outlook that is infectious.

It helps to kick start the day and helps you see everything with a fresh set of unjaded eyes, like a newborn. To a newborn or toddler, everything is new, shiny, cool and fresh and offers joy and wonder. When you have the attitude of appreciation it is extremely hard to also be negative, down in the dumps and sour.

Even when we are presented with obstacles, hardships and heartache, having the attitude of gratitude can make going through these struggles a bit easier. I dare you to try it for just one day. Wake up and have an appreciation for everything from the tiniest to the largest thing!! Put a spin on setbacks and dare yourself to find the positive in it. Just for one whole day. Let, that day turn into two and then who knows!!!

Happy Holiday Rising

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