There’s beauty all around us, an abundance of joy within us.  So often we look externally to be fulfilled, however everything that we need to create our personal Heaven already exists within our minds. All we have to do is accept it and live it.

There are many answers to fulfill many paths to righteousness and infinite possibilities of how we can live our lives. Believing that we have the power to create our own lane space and emotional well-being freeze us to live a more fulfilled purposeful and joyful life.

Often the path to finding Grace lies through countless roads of bitterness, heartache, & hurtful truths about ourselves, that once realized and accepted, leads to forgiveness of ourselves and a better understanding of others as well.

However, it is also in the realization that everyone has a path, that you can free yourself of the worry of judgement, and instead appreciate everyone in the moment on their personal Journey as we intersect. Although we may not be able to determine if someone enters Our Lives as a stepping stone or a setback, we can certainly choose how we process the information and what we do with it.

The active conscious choice to find Grace in any and all things is one of the hardest things to do, yet once able to, becomes the easiest thing in an instant.

It is the realization that we are all connected as human souls and spirits & that everything is energy. Whether it’s positive or negative, it is always flowing in and out of all of us and everything. If this is true, choosing to find the best and even the worst of us simply demonstrates the other strength that must be present in order to always seek and search for the good and the graceful. 

This path, although not for everyone, but for those who seek it seems to always be smiling. As if they know a secret that we don’t know. Is it that they realize that the world is here for our enjoyment, purpose, beauty and wonderment? Certainly life will always present struggles, obstacles, heartache, devastation. but it is also in these moments in these terrible times of crisis that we can learn the depths of our true understanding, growth, acceptance, and Grace within our own heart. 

Finding Grace is an ongoing, active ever present project. There is never an end date. There is never a Finish Line. We’re continuing to always find the grace, the good, the lesson in the failure, the meaning for the meanness. The roadblock on your way to success.

Finding Grace is an outlook and an attitude. Practiced properly is the greatest gift that one can give themselves.