Encouragement,  Lifestyle

Getting Organized 

All right we all procrastinate from time to time, you know what I’m talking about… pushing off the new diet till Monday or waiting until the last minute for deadlines making those cookies for the bake sale at the last minute.

Well let’s take the time to do everything we want in life by making a plan. 

Sometimes the best way to proceed is just to put your head down, shoulders, back while forcing one foot in front of the other to achieve your goals, one small step at a time.

One day leading to the next day leading to the lifetime of things accomplished that you put your mind to! Live your life the way you want to, and do it one small task list at a time. 

How do we go about this? We plan our work and then we work our plan!!!  A wise man once dropped that little golden nugget to both Colin and I, and it applies to absolutely everything!


 If you want to build a strong house you first need to draft a wonderful blueprint. If you would like to run a marathon first you need to select the right training for your running style. When cooking Beef Wellington for the first time, you first need to follow a carefully laid out recipe. These seemingly difficult tasks  are made easy and doable with first a Plan, and then the willingness to follow the steps of the plan, without fail!! That is most often the hardest part. 

When we first start out with a strong course of action we set ourselves up for victory and success. So let’s get started organizing our thoughts, our closets, and our work desks!! And most importantly for us holiday risers, our menus and party favors for family and friend gatherings!!😊This is the first step of conquering our many goals that we have for the year, so grab your planners and let’s go. Leap into fall with a great plan of action for each day!

Happy Holiday Rising!

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