Letting Go Is Okay

Have you ever had so much to do, so many thoughts running in your head, so many ideas, & so many things on your calendar that literally all you can do is just collapse in your chair unable to move?

Usually, we all feel like we can conquer the world, like we have a plan, or are in control of our lives. Maybe things are moving a mile a minute at times, but you can manage to fit it all in.

Sometimes though, there are those days that hit you like a sledgehammer, those days that really knock you off your feet, and let you know that you just need to sit down.

I Should Have Said Truth…Not Dare!

What we have learned to do in these moments is take a few deep breaths, calm down, and meditate. Stop thinking about the 17 items on your to-do list for that day, and just let it all go for a few minutes.

Just Getting My Work Done Here…

Some of you are definitely saying, “Wait a minute, when you have a thousand things to do, the last thing you need to do is shut down and think about none of them.” Well, on the contrary, sometimes the best thing to do, is do nothing.

Instead of succumbing to that feeling of being overwhelmed, listen to what your body is telling you. There’s a reason why you feel like you’ve had it up to here, or you have so much going on that your brain or your body is literally shutting down.

When you feel like you’re being hit by a bus it’s usually because you are taking on too much. Maybe you are trying to multitask all day every day, or maybe you are just putting too much on your plate time and again. Unless you take time for yourself, things are going to escalate out of control and no one wins when that happens.

Unless Your This Guy…He Wins All The Time!

It’s okay to let go & take time for yourself in that very moment when you feel like there’s so much to do. Actually, that is the best time to take some time for yourself. Turn off, and stop thinking about your list because in that very moment none of those things truly matter. You matter, your mental health matters, your personal well-being matters, your soul is what matters.

Feed your soul, because in that moment, your soul is having some kind of a disagreement with your body and mind and your soul is telling you exactly what you need to do.


Take the time to meditate, shut off your mind and your hamster wheel of thoughts of what you need to accomplish. Read that book you’ve been wanting to read, or take us leisurely stroll. Not a stroll to burn calories, but just a stroll to look at the sky and appreciate the beautiful surroundings.

Fill the bathtub up with your favorite bath salts and luxuriate in wonderful bath oils. Unapologetically close the bathroom door lock it and take that 20 minutes to 30 minutes for yourself.

It is worth it. YOU are worth it.

If You Need Me…I’ll Be In My Happy Place!

it is perfectly okay to relax, go to your happy mental space wherever that may be. Stay there for as long as you need in order to feel rejuvenated restored, and renewed.

Taking this time every so often can be the difference between accomplishing what you want to accomplish or just settling for things being done half well on your list.

No one wants to have dredged through life creating mediocre results. Life is to be cherished, loved, and enjoyed. However, we can’t fully appreciate any of it if we’re so busy every minute of every day thinking about what we have to do next instead of appreciating what we have right now.

We encourage everyone to take time, especially when it seems it’s the most inopportune time. Just shut everything out & let go. Let the flow of the universe calm your senses. Listen to your heartbeat, and be transformed. Lean on your inner peace, your inner calm, your inner self.

The mind is an incredibly powerful tool and just as we can use it to push ourselves to the limits and be everything for everyone, we can also train it to recognize in which moments we need to take time for ourselves and just be. We all want to go confidently in the direction of our dreams and live the life we have imagined for ourselves. However, sometimes during that Journey, things get hectic and that’s perfectly okay. 

We need to be okay in those very challenging and trying times. Take the time to treat yourself with solace and shut everything else out. It could be a life-changing and life-saving occurrence.

Deep Breaths. Relax. Listen to your heartbeat. Renew.

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