Making A Way – Out Of No Way
It is inevitable, at some point or many times in life you are going to hit obstacles. Some large some small, some to test patience, others to test faith or character, and so on. We all must deal with these challenges. In doing so we must get creative at times to get over the hurdle.

During times of financial stress, we can still afford the mental and satisfying escape of travel or the feeling of it at least.
We’re sure you are familiar with the phrase “Robbing Peter To Pay Paul.”
We here at Holiday Rising were way too familiar with this phrase until we restructured and refused to compromise on a few things concerning where our finances should go.

Here at Holiday Rising, we talk about a “Vacation Lifestyle.”
That does not mean that you literally have to go on vacation, although that would be nice. It means you think and feel the carefree and exhilarating way you do when you are on vacation!
You know that all-knowing smile you take on when viewing the golden sunrise. Or the hearty laugh that comes from your belly when you are cracking up over a delicious meal from another country shared with family. It’s these feelings that are most remembered and cherished that we want everyone to enjoy more often. That way hopefully society as a whole can be a more positive and relaxed one.
So if taking an expensive trip abroad is not in the cards, that’s absolutely okay. It shouldn’t stop you, however, from taking the mental escape with your family in tow.
You might need to get creative.
Maybe save up to do a staycation right in your own city, and eat cuisine from a restaurant with your theme country of choice on the pallet.
Create a wonderful workshop of school work where you research and celebrate the culture and take a few items with you in your hotel room, to feel more like you have actually gotten on a plane and landed elsewhere.
You can even stay at home and go to the dollar store to achieve the same effect!
Yes, pick a place on the map anywhere in the world. Challenge and assign everyone in the house a project related to researching and contributing to the exotic vacay and then go grab items, food, and clothes that will enhance your magical trip. Pick a weekend or more, and transform your very own place into an exotic getaway.
Trust me, just the effort and anticipation will still transport your family to a magical place. As they say, sometimes you have to “fake it, till you make it”.
Don’t ever let finances get in your way of feeling free. Change your circumstance or attitude to travel the globe with excitement and glee!
Happy Travels!