Getting In Tune With Nature

There is nothing like fresh morning air.

Yep…We Love It!

We deeply enjoy early morning walks where we carve our own personal time to commune with nature and our surroundings. Every place we have lived and traveled we have immensely enjoyed exploring the neighborhoods, trails, woods and wildlife. Although each location has been beautifully unique, the one constant in all is a peaceful joy when taking morning walks or jogs.

Taking a deep breath, inhaling the possibilities of the day, and reflecting on the great joys, and blessings of life keeps us centered, focused and recharged.

Observing nature tends to keep us grounded and opens our eyes and hearts up for the true beauty surrounding me everyday. We are able to disconnect from all distractions, breathe deeper and feel stronger when hiking through glorious paths or charging up daunting hills. Even though it’s challenging and our hearts and lungs feel as though they could bust out of our chest at times, we are often stopped cold at the sight of the most beautiful magnolia or random bird that appears out of nowhere as if to say welcome home, where have you been?

Seriously….Where Have You Been?

We try to pay attention to the most miniscule details when walking alone & be fully present and aware in every moment. We notice the different hues of the calm grayish, blue/black morning sky as it gives way to the bright, bold fiery yellow orangish sun. We see how butterflies flitter about and pause in a rhythmic beat as if they are performing a well rehearsed dance.

Everything in nature works in harmony, in a choreographed and purposeful yet simple routine. It is easy to get lost in thought, as well as become acutely aware of self and your place in this wonderful universe when submerged with the sounds of nothing but crackling leaves, insect noises and bird calls. One of our absolute favorite sounds is that of flowing water. Water flowing over rocks in streams, gentle rain touching down on a surface, or crashing waves rolling in with the steady, graceful, powerful tide.

Unless, Of Course…

Taking time to immerse yourself and connect with nature is a gift.

Happy Trails.

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