Mornings Like These…
Have you ever looked at a child, family member, or even your spouse while they are reacting to a funny joke?
Ever heard a story related to their childhood that just blew you away because as they were recalling the story, their face absolutely lit up and you noticed new bits and quirks of their personality that you had never seen?
It’s mornings like these, that capture the feeling.
Mornings, when nature and nurture are in tune and you are sharing a perfect moment with someone you love. This tends to happen often for those fortunate enough to spend quality time with each other in a relaxed and fun environment. However, we don’t always have to pack a bag and hop for a flight to achieve this level of intimacy. Getting outside or taking trips is a wonderful way to connect with family, friends, and loved ones in a way that helps us see each other in a new light.

Oftentimes, we can achieve this level of knowing each other by spending time with each other on a quality one-on-one basis more often. Meaning, spending time and reaching out to your loved one in their element. For some, it’s easy because you share similar likes, hobbies, even obsessions (like my entire family and sports). Even though as a family you may have common interests and routines, everyone has their own unique personalities and tastes, and it is there that we can bond and reach each other in their absolute comfort zone.
For example, I learned early on that our Son Ace loves nature, he loves to be around all types of pets and animals. They even magically come to him every time we are outdoors. It’s like a game we play now. You have no idea how many times we have looked around to find Ace with dogs, butterflies, even snakes curled around him, YIKES! He just loves it. While hiking and camping with him outside, we also discovered his silly side. He absolutely turns into a crazed and hilarious jokester when the moon comes out. We’ve named it Power Hour. Ever since he was a baby we knew exactly how close he was to bedtime. And even now 10 years later, we still do.
And then there’s the ultimate funny guy, Kingston, who even cracks up in his sleep! Yup, just last night we heard him burst out in laughter while tossing and turning. His face was all aglow, smiling from ear to ear. He also makes sure we watch every single thing that Kevin Hart makes. We have seen everything from Jumanji to the Quibi short “Die Hart”. Who knew a 7-year-old would grasp such humor and run with it. He also loves to spit bars, so it’s so much fun listening to music with him and watching him in his element. Aside from that, he is absolutely fascinated with rocks. He enjoys collecting all types of rocks and telling you what type of minerals they are made of. He can spend hours alone outside digging in the dirt, or “mining” which is what he calls it.
It’s truly amazing the conversations we have, when I grab my boots, head outside with him, kneeling down, and just talking with him, while he is in that element. He shares so much more freely about himself and his character. It is such a beautiful exchange when we see someone in their happy place.
The same is also true for us adults, right? Don’t our loved ones, deserve to see us in our happy place? In our element where do we feel the most powerful, peaceful, and free?
Indeed, it’s true. It’s important for our kids, family, and friends to see us in our glory as well. For me, sharing music with my family is an absolute window into my soul. I know my boys are seeing me free and happy when Tupac is blasting in the car, or right after a serious workout and I’m sweating with Beyonce’ or Nas blasting out of my earbuds. Trying to mimic C. Breezy’s latest 8 count step or singing Tamia’s jams at the top of my lungs. It’s in these moments that they probably have the greatest snapshot of my joyful and playful side where inhibitions are out the door.
If music is my first love, then philosophy and bonding over spirituality and positivity are the mistresses. I love discussing “the why” of things and trying to understand the layers of humanity and the spiritual world. It’s utterly fascinating, and when anyone wants the opportunity to truly get to know me a little better, all they have to do is hit me with a “So what’s the meaning of….” line to get it started. Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, and Michael Jackson are so much more than athletes, champions, and tortured talented artists, but philosophers as well in my book.
The point is, that taking the time to meet each person in your life where they are at can be enlightening and an easier gateway of getting to know the real them.
Colin and I share so many opinions when it comes to politics, spirituality, religion, philosophy, and such. But when it comes to everyday hobbies and interests, we are truly from different planets. Dancing is a passion for me while constructing, drafting blueprints is for him. We don’t watch much tv other than sports but my idea of a great night of television would entail either a lifetime movie or a housewife from any city, while he would choose Man V. Food. It’s never a dull moment appreciating the time you spend with someone in their element. It’s not only a fun way to learn about them but to also discover things about yourself.
This goes for hobbies as well. Colin is a runner and I am more of a jogger/walker. So when he takes the time to join me on a long morning walk, I am sure he probably sees me a little more happy, relaxed and open. In these times we have more meaningful discussions because I am in my happy place at that moment. With the early morning sun over my shoulder and the crisp air greeting my skin like a silk robe, I feel like I am glowing and that any and everything is possible. Here we can build and share our hopes, dreams, and goals. So often our ideas, career ventures, and ideas for change and travel have come from these honest moments.
So I encourage everyone, to take just a little time to greet and understand the people important to you on the level that they resonate the highest on. Be with them, in their happy place, and enjoy!
Happy Holiday Rising!