Nothing Beats A Failure But A Try…

You Can Do It!!

One of the reasons we decided to become self-employed was to have the independence and freedom to have a lifestyle that would allow for travel. Although there have been several bumps in the road along the way, (along with many different companies), we have learned the value of seeing a company or idea and seeing it through to its true potential, then selling it with love.

Some might call us Company Flippers instead of Property Flippers.

Ummm…Not Exactly

Choosing this entrepreneurial avenue has allowed us the opportunity to try so many new things, learn new vocations, and explore so many different opportunities. 

Our endeavors have taken us from Costa Maya, Mexico to the distant Harbortown shores of Nova Scotia Canada, to home on the Big Island of Hawai’i and so many places in between, including beautiful Aventura, FL and currently here in the amazing Aurora, Colorado.

Hearing Kingston’s first words in Boise Idaho, and attending Ace’s first science fair in Cary, North Carolina are memories that are embedded in our lives. Not just the memory of our actions, but the location of each unique stop along our way has left an unbelievably lovely mark.

Heading to Disney on a regular basis while living in Orlando, Florida and spending time at beautiful Reunion Resort was an amazing gift during a turbulent time of the pandemic outbreak.

We were able to make the very best of a very difficult time and learned just how resilient and resourceful we can be as a unit. Homeschooling for the first time, and taking on a new digital magazine venture “Holiday Rising” (Detailing our self-designed vacation lifestyle), and expanding our commercial cleaning venture. While leaving another venture dormant awhile, (Kona Loft Coffee).

We have never been afraid of change and in the pursuit of awe and adventure, we have gained so many new friends, hobbies, outlooks, and perspectives. Looking back on our choice to leave the traditional way of living our lives around 15 years ago and betting on ourselves, things have never been better.

We know what it feels like to live in doubt, fear, and uncertainty on whether you are making the right decision or living your best life. To that we say, Just Start. Have a clear idea of what your life should “feel like” not “look Like” and do everything in your power to make it so. 

Flourish.” Even if you fail. You will be failing or falling forward. Because you are pushing boundaries and trying something new. 

Oh No…Not Change Again!

We encourage our boys to try everything and know that there are SEVERAL things that they will fail at, and we actually champion that, because when you learn to fail, you have also already learned to TRY. You will not be afraid of hearing no, or not today or you’re not ready. You will just see roadblocks as puzzles that need to be solved instead of game-ending attitude killers. 

Trying new things and pushing boundaries is an awesome way to grow your personal skill set of knowledge and abilities. There is such a vast universe out there and until you get out and explore it, whether it be through internal struggle or external hurdles, can you find out just how you can fit into it. 

When you open yourself up to possibilities, and experience setbacks or hardships, your triumphs become that much sweeter as well. Knowing that your perseverance, dedication, and courage helped you to overcome something is one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself.

Take The Leap Already!

So whatever the decision you are mulling over, big or small, take a deep breath, imagine yourself with the most desirable outcome and GO FOR IT!

Happy Holiday Rising.

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