Paving your path and living your passion daily.
Let’s talk about paving your own path shall we?
How often do you feel a sense of déjà vu or watch a movie that resonates so deeply within your heart that you feel as if your words, thoughts leapt onto the screen, and expressed themselves right before your very eyes, period? How often have you looked at yourself in the mirror and said hmmmm……something is just not right and wondered at the moment I wonder what it is?!?
A nagging sense of a tapping on the shoulder, saying hey, do you remember how much fun you used to have doing this? I remember when you used to write down what you wanted to be and had a plan of how to get there? A sense of getting lost in the zone, gleefully and bliss while engaging in an activity that you love to do? But instead you actually more often find yourself jumping over the same endless hurdles that feel like an no win up hill battle.

Well STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!! Change your perspective on your hurdles. Ask yourself, why do you keep requiring and signaling to the universe that you need the same bumps, hardships and experiences. Have you not learned from them? did they not help you become stronger? If your day to day actions, jobs, surroundings don’t serve you, then you need to make a change immediatley and incorporate things into your life that do serve your higher purpose and passion. Maybe you just need to shift how you are looking at your obstacles? Maybe you are ready for stronger and more difficult taska and you are just now ready to leap tall buildings in one bound! Who knows. But our thoughts, lead to our actions and beliefs that create the world in which we live in. So make sure you know what it is you want, and what makes you happy, then pursue it with zest passion!!

These are the very things that you should put front dead center of your vision board, and find a way to enhance all of the other things in and around it because of your nurturing of these activities. Whatever it is, that makes your heart race your mind wander, think explore those are the things that you must do every day. Those are not the things that you procrastinate and push off and/or say they’re frivolous. On the contrary, That is the very thing that you must make sure to center and carve our town for every single day of your life.

We have been taught since children that flights of fancy or passion, or to be pushed off until after you’ve worked a lifetime doing something that you don’t want to be doing and then in hopes when you turn a certain age, maybe you have 510 good years to explore those things, but why put off why not pepper in and live a little bit of paradise each day? I ask why not live a labor of love and a life of purpose that is also efficient and well suited for your needs and those of your family.
Don’t put yourself in a box thinking that you have to live the life that was already imagine for you from someone else parents society, friends those pressures while maybe well-intentioned are not your passion your goals your dreams. Maybe they are and if so I salute you. If not, implore you to take stock in things that you enjoy doing carveout it first 15 or 20 minutes a day. See if you can turn that 20 minutes into an hour then see if you can turn it into three hours, and then see if you could turn it into a viable business fuele Fueled by your passions, dreams, desires. Isn’t that having it all?