Spruce up your home or Office with Spring Cleaning!
It’s that time of year when you want to peel off those layers of clothing and let yourself feel the spring sun warmth on your skin. Along with shedding the scarfs and sweaters make sure to shed your unwanted clutter and deep clean your house or office! Late March or early April is the perfect time to dust off those high touch areas above lighting and drapes and clear out the smoke and dust of vents and fireplaces in order to feel a deep fresh clean.
Allow the new spring air to permeate your home by getting rid of old items that just take up space. Donate them to goodwill or have a garage sale and make room for fresh new ideas and items. Take this time to thouroughly clean out your refridgerator, wahser/dryer and other areas that sometimes get neglected.

It’s amazing what a deep cleaning can do. After you have finished, take a step back and analyze your rooms, this is a great opportunity to see if rearrainging your furintiture might be in order and change the look of your home all together by just switching things around can give a whole new perspective and fresh spin on your home. If need be, add a few items to complete the transformation!!