Disney World Appreciation!

When You Wish Upon A Star….

For years now…oh, and we mean MANY years, (over 40), we’ve been blessed with the ability to go to the fabulous magical land of Disney World in Lake Buena Vista Florida.

Take Your Marks…
Who Gave Him A License?!?

Our family was even among the very first to ever grace the grounds in their inaugural year.  We certainly adopt all of the fascinations, childlike nuances, and excitement every time we go back.  Heck, we even moved to Orlando just so we could become Annual Pass Holders.

The sheer joy of watching a child’s expression when they experience it for the first time is something that fills your heart with glee.  It is addictive, and we believe that it allows us as adults to be reminded that dreams can come true, great stories can transform, and the imagination can take us as far as we allow it to go. ….magical indeed.


Think back to when Walt Disney was buying up literal swampland back in the sixties with the belief that he could take his idea and create a World of Magic.  Take a sheer blank canvas of swampland in the middle of Florida, and create a Paradise on Earth.  An idea, and a belief that it could be done.

Walt Disney World is more than an escape; it is an extension of someone’s belief that you can create something so powerful, & innovative that it becomes infectious.  It is a symbol of what is possible when we stretch our limits, ideas, imaginations, and even beliefs.  The knowledge that one location has brought billions of people, from all walks of life, is truly unbelievable.

We so grateful for his insight, intuition, and, quite possibly, spiritual intervention that touched him with such a thought.  Plus the fortitude, willpower, dedication and desire to make the new existence possible.  WOW. 

Get Em Up!!

Not many times you see such an impact in the world, in such a positive manner.  It certainly gives us all something to strive for.

As avid travelers, dreamers, entrepreneurs, and adventurers, we draw so much inspiration and happiness every time we travel back to Lake Buena Vista.  There’s a newfound treasure each time, and just like our lives, it’s a wonderful work in progress.  Constantly growing, adapting, and changing to meet the new world around us.    A beautiful chaos, that is actually a wonderfully, well run machine.

It’s just so amazing to be among so many other people experiencing a common goal…trying to grab a bit of magic.

We hope we are always Disney kids at heart and truly wish that everyone at least one time in their lives can experience the lightning in a bottle that exists at Walt Disney World.


Happy Holiday Rising

Let’s All Cheer For Disney Springs!

Lake Buena Vista, FL – Walt Disney World

Hooray for the glorious transformation of Disney Springs!!

What once was Downtown Disney, has gotten a chic and charming facelift and WE ARE HERE FOR IT!!!!

Disney Springs is an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment complex at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, near Orlando. The complex opened on March 22, 1975, and has been expanded and renamed over the years. 

Fine Art Appreciation Class Is In Session…
Hey….LEGO My Wife!!

The new even more family-friendly free Disney area has been upgraded with a warm look and plenty of new restaurants, shops, and activities galore. From the wonderful world of Disney shops, Lego stores, and even awesome fine art galleries, there are so many things to collect, view, and buy.

I’ll Take Them All!!!!

However, if you are looking for sheer fun, there’s plenty of that to go around as well. You can literally ride a vintage vehicle straight into the canal without skipping a beat, have a bowling contest at a gigantic bowling alley and adventure zone at Splitsville, ride a carousel, head up to the skies in a hot air balloon, and more!

Just Cruising

After so many fantastic heart-pumping fun thrills, you’re gonna be hungry, and there are plenty of places to settle down and grab a bite. Get a sweet treat at Goofy’s Candy Company, have a great chicken sandwich at Guy Fieri’s Chicken Guy Restaurant, take down a huge Mickey Pretzel. Enjoy pulled pork from The Polite Pig, Grab a pint and fish and chips from Raglan Road Irish Pub, or enjoy fine dining at The Boathouse…There are so many more options to choose from. So loosen up your belt and indulge.

Disney Springs is perfect for families that are on their Disney Pilgrimage, and have been to the parks two days in a row, and need a little bit of a respite before hitting up the other two parks. No need to wake up early, visit at your leisure. Take a nice comfortable stroll with the whole family outside. There is just enough kid’s activities to keep them engaged while your there to get some shopping in, and have a nice relaxing meal. Then head back to your hotel and lounge by the pool while resting up for the rest of the Disney Madness!!

Now Let’s Get To The Parks!!
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