Taking a few steps back to take giant leaps forward
I’m sure we have all been in a position where we have felt like we are hitting our head against a huge roadblock brick wall that can’t be penetrated. You know that feeling that no matter how fast you’re running your legs seem like jelly and you just can’t seem to get to the finish line. Sometimes it is in these exact moments when we need to take advice from our dear friend the tortoise and pause or even slow down to the point of shutdown. Now this doesn’t mean quitting the race, more like stopping to take a deep breath, grab water, and just breathe.
For some, this is the absolute hardest thing to do because you feel like to pause is to lose momentum and cost you the lead in the race. However the energy you need to complete the race, goal, task is so depleted when you just push your self on fumes with no plan that you sacrifice your end goal and could possibly jeopardize your efforts to enter and complete future races. So instead of viewing taking “a time out” or stepping back to evaluate as weak look at it as having the strength to trust your instincts, expertise and surroundings to know that the wisest thing you can do, is let go and back up. Take the time to reassess your strategy, get in tune with your mind, body and spirit and make sure that your core team is in lock step.
It’s actually the smartest thing you can do at that moment. Because at that very second while everything is cloudy and coming at you a million miles an hour, you cannot focus and see the whole big picture clearly. It’s in this moment that you have to take a step back, clear your thoughts, disengage, relax and when you’re ready re-enter the race with a renewed sense of purpose, passion, determination, and good energy, Go for it full steam ahead, like a rhino!
Now even though you might feel like where you were once leading the pack of the race you’re now the middle of the crowd or even dead last, you are now actually finishing the race with better stride and with more enthusiasm. This will allow you to go even further faster than you ever thought possible before! Because now with clear eyes, clear vision, and clear lungs, your foundation is stronger oh my will your path become extremely visible and those persistent obstacles that once blocked your path will now be easily defeated. It is here my friend, in this very moment that you find a pep in your step, a rhythm to your actions where everything seems to be coming together with clear tunnel so you can envision the finish line ahead, and it does not seem so far away. You’re not focused on being last or in the middle or even worried about the position you were in when you were struggling to swim up stream before you took your much needed break.
How amazing!!! Just taking that step back and approaching the finish line now it is amazing because one-by-one you’re knocking off all of those old hurdles….Yes indeed you are on your way passing those other racers now one by one. Remembering how silly of you to feel that they were taking your place as you took your pause as now, one by one, you’re passing them to get back to the position that you once were when you had to take your pause and now you’re creeping up to the front of the pack but not to compare yourself to them. No Sir, you are running for you and only you, not even focussing on who you are passing as you ascend to the glorious finish line. You are now hurling yourself towards your goals, the finish line is at hand and that and that alone is your motivation, that is your fuel. Wow oh wow, how exciting!!!
So when in doubt and bogged down with choices, too many voices in your head or externally, remember it is okay to take a break. It is okay to say you know what I’m lost, I’m confused, I don’t know what steps to take next. just pause, breathe, open your eyes with a new sense of vision, purpose and dedication and then run your little heart out for all of your goals!
Go get Em’