The Most Important 6 Words To Break You Out Of Any Funk
Sometimes you don’t know what you want. Where you are headed, or what you really want out of life.
Sometimes you get into a reality funk that you start to believe is the way it is going to be forever. It’s ok if you don’t know what you are living for. It’s ok if you don’t have an exact road map of where you want to be in 5 years or 5 minutes.

For whatever reason, you have gotten your signals crossed up and started attracting the wrong thing. Sometimes you self-sabotage and intentionally lose focus for a bit, decide to hell with it all, and just start attracting the exact wrong things.

…But I Think I Will Take A Kick In The Balls Instead
Sometimes, you actually get exactly what you asked for, but then realize that you actually don’t want it anymore and/or it’s not actually what you wanted in the first place.
It’s just as important to realize what you don’t want out of life if this is the case. If you don’t know exactly where you are headed or where you want to get to, but do realize that this isn’t it, there is one saying that will get you out of that funk.
Say it out loud though, and make sure that the universe knows you mean business. It’s fine if other people are there, but it’s also totally acceptable that you are alone. However, it is important that you actually say the words out loud as three is power in your words.
Say these words when you become aware that you’re in a funk and don’t have the slightest clue as to how to get out of it.
“This Is Not An Acceptable Reality.”
Right away you are letting the Universe know that what it is serving up right now, is not what you asked for. You are letting the Universe know that you are not going to tolerate it anymore. You might not know what you want, but you surely know that what you are getting right now is definitely not it.
Also, you are standing up for yourself to the great an all-powerful universe.

Are Not Into That Whole Brevity Thing…
Your energy, and all the energy changes because you have stood up for yourself. You have decided that you will not accept a crappy life. You are not happy on this detour anymore, and want to get back on the path that you are meant for. You’ve put yourself first for a change and the universe will do it’s best to course correct.
Once you say it, and mean it, have faith knowing that the universe has heard you. It might take a bit of time as the universe works on it’s own time, and not yours, but it will start working for you again. Things will start to go in your favor.
Little things at first, that will snowball into bigger things. Which will snow ball into even bigger things, and one day you will wake up an realize that you’ve weathered the bad times. You were lost, but now you are found.
You have made it through one of life’s detours, and now that you have come out the other side, you will realize where you do want to get to, and actually start striving to get there, instead of just striving to get by.
Trust and believe there is a huge difference.