Turning old ideas into Gold!!

Stuck in a mental rut? Having trouble being innovative, creative or just plain exciting at work and or home? Try dusting off some old ideas and giving them a full work out! Yes, do you remember that old mind blowing idea you had on the last vacation? You Know, the one that had you screaming Eureka!!! At the top of our lungs while sipping delicious cocktails oceanfront with your mate. Yes, that idea, that had you all aflutter for the tune of exactly 6 days…. That’s when you boarded the plane to come home and lost the fire and passion for the project.
Well my friends, it’s time to dust that old idea or dream off, polish it up and take it out for a test drive! Yes, It’s time right now, to look back and grab some of that lightning in a bottle that made you shout with glee at the time and see if it still holds up today. No matter the size or scope of the idea, you should see if it actually holds up today.
One thing the pandemic has shown us all is that there are no set normals anymore. No crazy ideas, only quirky solutions to everyday problems and concerns. So if your idea seemed a little on the crazy side awhile back, it just may be the perfect time to give it ago right now!
You will never know if you don’t try. So instead of trying to force ideas or copy someone else’s thunder, how about seeing one of your original ideas to fruition first! Reach back for the Golden nugget of creativity and then forge ahead.