When Feeling Blocked….How Do You Proceed?

Have you ever felt stifled, numb, or completely incapable of making a move one way or the other?

Yes, I’ve Been There…

Stuck in a malaise of indecision and nothingness? It’s not often but when this happens to us, we have found that either talking things through with someone, be it a professional, friend or even stranger can be a lifeline and well-welcomed release.

Yes, even just saying it aloud (or on a blog to the world) is a freeing gesture giving way to resolution!

Keeping feelings of angst, indecision, sadness, paranoia, or anger is not healthy in any case, and the pandemic has been a monster for many who already battle with anxiety or pre-existing mental struggles or insecurities.

There are ways to combat these feelings, for those who don’t know how to do it on their own, but it takes courage.

Courage to say, “Hey, I don’t like feeling this way and I need help.” That is the biggest and most important step. In taking this huge leap forward, you begin to exorcise those demons at once.

Letting go of the negative energy that is pent up inside allows positive energy and wonderful thoughts to flow in, but first, you must be willing to say, “Hey I don’t like feeling this way,” and then take the necessary steps to change it.

We’re Not Saying You Have To Go This Far…

We’re not doctors or health professionals in any way shape or form, so if your problems are beyond the casual blues, please go and seek a professional immediately!

There is absolutely no shame in helping yourself and most likely those close to you! Be of service by saving yourself, it’s the most important act you will EVER do!

Unfortunately, there is a stigma in many communities that brand those who seek help as weak when the exact opposite is true. Seeking help be it professional, or with sharing with friends, family, or even strangers at times, is the ultimate sign of a true warrior who is capable and willing to do the absolute MOST to be their best self and self-preserve the best version of themselves.

This not only is courageous but a sign of a true superhero with the power to fight the ultimate fight, which is the battle within ourselves.

Don’t forget, that you are not alone. There is a universe out there that is designed to help you succeed. So lean on it and someone when you are feeling down. You are loved and worthy, so remember that when you are feeling blue, there is someone out there who would love to ease your burden by listening.

Remember Sharing is Caring.

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