Your Path
This is just one person’s humble opinion about their own life and what they are here for.
You SHOULD NOT agree with everything.
Hopefully, you don’t disagree with everything too.
Read and absorb. Whatever truly resonates with you, take and bring with you on the rest of your own path. Anything that doesn’t, discard and move on.
If you don’t like it, and feel the need to add a negative comment to the mix, then – cool – you do you. Maybe you want to ask yourself why you feel that way, and where that need is coming from first, though. A little bit of self-introspection never hurt anybody, and probably won’t hurt you now either.

I have my own path to walk here on this little rotating world named Earth. Everyone else has their own path to walk too. Your path is your path. My path is my path. Everyone’s path is different.
I chose my path prior to getting here. I have no idea if you chose your path or not. My guess is yes, but again, that’s your path, not mine.
Not all of my life has been planned out prior to being born, but there have definitely been times in my life that were set up beforehand that have been put in front of me to allow me to make a choice. My choices help me to grow.
Certain decisions that need to be made a certain times. Depending on what I chose my path could branch off in an infinite number of ways.

Some road blocks have been agreed to prior to my coming here. Things that were set up to test me along the way. Things that force me to learn from and grow from.
I realize now that when I come up to the same roadblocks, and keep choosing the same thing, I am doing it wrong.
I am not learning, and until I choose a different outcome, I am stagnated in my growth. And Growth being one of the main reasons for me being here….

I also realize that I am the only one that has walked my entire path that has brought me to where I am today. I am responsible for being here. I have made the choices and moves along the way. Some choices have been great and worked out. Some have not. Either way, I am responsible. I control my path. No one else.
I will not look to blame others when I make the wrong choice. These are my lessons to learn – not yours. It’s not your fault if I don’t learn.
This is my path, & I own it. I assume all responsibility. If there is something I don’t like about myself, it’s my fault and no one else’s. I have walked this path to get here and not you.
If you have disrupted my path and set up a roadblock of sorts, then that is my fault as well. I have allowed you to disrupt my path. I wanted you here in the first place, as you are teaching me something about myself, and allowing me to grow. So, I want to say thank you for the help…and I have nothing but love for you!
I do believe my path has and will cross other’s paths along the way & go in the same direction too, but they are never truly the same path. Each member of your family has their own path. Your very best friend has their own path that is different from yours.
Some people have tried and will continue to try to help and support my growth along the way. I appreciate the help and support, and a lot of times, your advice and guidance can open up my eyes to what I need to do to grow.
However, this is where your duty is done. You have tried to help, offered your support, and if I don’t take it, it’s nothing personal. It’s my choice to make, my lesson to learn. Sometimes I do it right, sometimes I don’t. Don’t judge me either way. I’m on my own path, and you are on yours.
Subsequently, I did agree to my path ahead of time. I knew what I came here for. What issues I wanted to address, what lessons I wanted to learn, and what I wanted to work on while I am here. Of course, once I was born, I forgot all of this. Sometimes your advice triggers something in me that resonates and allows me to make the right choice. Much thanks for giving me a shortcut, but if you are leading me to the correct choice, am I really learning? Technically, I already have the answers inside of me, and know which way I need to choose.

A lot of times your advice doesn’t lead me to the right choice. This is not a reflection on you or your advice. This is a reflection of me and my path. So, please don’t take it personally or take offense. I am really trying my best here, and sometimes I just don’t get it.
Likewise I will help and support others along the way. I realize sometimes it seems easier to look at others paths from afar and know exactly what choices that person has to make to ensure they have a smooth path for the foreseeable future. However, it’s your path still and even though I think I know what is ahead for you, I realize I don’t. So take my advice for what it is. Read and absorb, and if something triggers in you – adopt it. If not, I have tried with best intentions to help you. Sorry if it did not work out. I meant no harm.
Sometimes I have to go through lessons that are not my own.
They are lessons that you need to learn, and I have agreed to play a part while I am here. Most of the time, these lessons hurt me and are not fun when I go through them. It sucks, and I suffer but I hold no ill will to you for making me play this part. I agreed to this ahead of time, and I am responsible for that choice. I sincerely hope you learn your lesson and grow from the experience because I would like to think that my sacrifice has not been in vain.
The best help you can give me on my path is just to love and support me along my way, and know that I am trying to grow.