Taking a few steps back to take giant leaps forward
I’m sure we have all been in a position where we have felt like we are hitting our head against a huge roadblock brick wall that can’t be penetrated. You…
Find your “Good Vibe Tribe”
For those of you who are constantly on the go and barely ever even have time to take a luxurious soak in the tub, let alone spend quality time with…
Finding Your WHY!
How many of you have found yourselves in a situation where you are like I can’t believe I’m here again? Or how many times do I have to bump my…
Merging Your Business With Your Beliefs
Merging your business with your beliefs For a lot of you that like living the holiday Rising lifestyle you’ve already discovered that calling your own shots, being Your Own Boss,…
Nothing Beats A Failure But A Try…
You Can Do It!! One of the reasons we decided to become self-employed was to have the independence and freedom to have a lifestyle that would allow for travel. Although…
It’s Time To Pat Yourself On The Back
Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations…
Are You Helping Or Enabling
Why Making An Impact Is Harder Than You Think Help your fellow humans, give something back, tithe a portion of your income, blah, blah, blah. For everyone out there that…
When Feeling Blocked….How Do You Proceed?
Have you ever felt stifled, numb, or completely incapable of making a move one way or the other? Stuck in a malaise of indecision and nothingness? It’s not often but…
Making A Way – Out Of No Way
It is inevitable, at some point or many times in life you are going to hit obstacles. Some large some small, some to test patience, others to test faith or…
You Can’t Eat A Watermelon Whole
Have you ever sat down in front of a watermelon and thought to yourself, “I can take this thing down in one bite.” Just you and the watermelon. Seeds or…