• Inspiration,  Lifestyle

    It’s Time To Pat Yourself On The Back

    Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations – job well done!! Too often were quick the point on our flaws, unattained goals, achievements that we never quite grabbed, daunting tasks ahead, failures, mishaps, etc. We put too much emphasis on what’s at the end of the finish line.   We’re here to tell you CONGRATULATIONS – because in spite of all of those things you’re still here. You’re still standing. You’re still reading this which means you are fighting the good fight. You care. You are not…

  • Inspiration,  Lifestyle

    Finding Grace

    There’s beauty all around us, an abundance of joy within us.  So often we look externally to be fulfilled, however everything that we need to create our personal Heaven already exists within our minds. All we have to do is accept it and live it. There are many answers to fulfill many paths to righteousness and infinite possibilities of how we can live our lives. Believing that we have the power to create our own lane space and emotional well-being freeze us to live a more fulfilled purposeful and joyful life. Often the path to finding Grace lies through countless roads of bitterness, heartache, & hurtful truths about ourselves, that…