Taking a few steps back to take giant leaps forward
I’m sure we have all been in a position where we have felt like we are hitting our head against a huge roadblock brick wall that can’t be penetrated. You know that feeling that no matter how fast you’re running your legs seem like jelly and you just can’t seem to get to the finish line. Sometimes it is in these exact moments when we need to take advice from our dear friend the tortoise and pause or even slow down to the point of shutdown. Now this doesn’t mean quitting the race, more like stopping to take a deep breath, grab water, and just breathe. For some, this is…
Find your “Good Vibe Tribe”
For those of you who are constantly on the go and barely ever even have time to take a luxurious soak in the tub, let alone spend quality time with friends and family, or go to therapy, multi-tasking, organizing and prioritization can be wonderful tools and skill sets to have in your daily life skill arsenal. Since we all now know how incredibly important feeding your mind, body as well as soul is to a highly effective and well rounded individual is, let’s talk about how we can help each other achieve our maximum best with the aid of others who are like minded, or already at a higher level…
Finding Your WHY!
How many of you have found yourselves in a situation where you are like I can’t believe I’m here again? Or how many times do I have to bump my head on the same roadblock in order to get past it? Some of us have even become super familiar with the phrase “I should have known better by now”… well why do we keep on repeating the same mistakes and stumbling over the same obstacles?!? Perhaps the answer could lie in not taking time out for self-reflection. Instead we are all ready for instant correction. But what if there is no quick fix, no easy solution. That is when we…
Merging Your Business With Your Beliefs
Merging your business with your beliefs For a lot of you that like living the holiday Rising lifestyle you’ve already discovered that calling your own shots, being Your Own Boss, owning your own business, or finding your own career path can be freeing yet daunting in the sentence that you want to be profitable yet hold on to your value system. so many of us are faced with the challenge of reconciling profits and purpose. We believe that one does not have to exist without the other. finding a way to have joy in your career or being successful enough in your business that allows you free time to enjoy…
Nothing Beats A Failure But A Try…
You Can Do It!! One of the reasons we decided to become self-employed was to have the independence and freedom to have a lifestyle that would allow for travel. Although there have been several bumps in the road along the way, (along with many different companies), we have learned the value of seeing a company or idea and seeing it through to its true potential, then selling it with love. Some might call us Company Flippers instead of Property Flippers. Choosing this entrepreneurial avenue has allowed us the opportunity to try so many new things, learn new vocations, and explore so many different opportunities. Our endeavors have taken us from…
It’s Time To Pat Yourself On The Back
Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations – job well done!! Too often were quick the point on our flaws, unattained goals, achievements that we never quite grabbed, daunting tasks ahead, failures, mishaps, etc. We put too much emphasis on what’s at the end of the finish line. We’re here to tell you CONGRATULATIONS – because in spite of all of those things you’re still here. You’re still standing. You’re still reading this which means you are fighting the good fight. You care. You are not…
Are You Helping Or Enabling
Why Making An Impact Is Harder Than You Think Help your fellow humans, give something back, tithe a portion of your income, blah, blah, blah. For everyone out there that is giving money to charities to support whatever your cause is, congratulations!! You are doing something that is very important, and you should continue to do it. (Seriously, this post is not an excuse for you to stop helping others. If that’s what you take from it – please read the post again. Before you do that though, maybe look at yourself and explore why you are going out of your way to find any excuse to avoid helping others.…
When Feeling Blocked….How Do You Proceed?
Have you ever felt stifled, numb, or completely incapable of making a move one way or the other? Stuck in a malaise of indecision and nothingness? It’s not often but when this happens to us, we have found that either talking things through with someone, be it a professional, friend or even stranger can be a lifeline and well-welcomed release. Yes, even just saying it aloud (or on a blog to the world) is a freeing gesture giving way to resolution! Keeping feelings of angst, indecision, sadness, paranoia, or anger is not healthy in any case, and the pandemic has been a monster for many who already battle with anxiety…
Making A Way – Out Of No Way
It is inevitable, at some point or many times in life you are going to hit obstacles. Some large some small, some to test patience, others to test faith or character, and so on. We all must deal with these challenges. In doing so we must get creative at times to get over the hurdle. During times of financial stress, we can still afford the mental and satisfying escape of travel or the feeling of it at least. We’re sure you are familiar with the phrase “Robbing Peter To Pay Paul.” We here at Holiday Rising were way too familiar with this phrase until we restructured and refused to compromise…
You Can’t Eat A Watermelon Whole
Have you ever sat down in front of a watermelon and thought to yourself, “I can take this thing down in one bite.” Just you and the watermelon. Seeds or Seedless. One Bite. Seriously, have you ever thought that? No…no you have not. Do you know why? Because it’s stupid – that’s why. When you take a look at a watermelon you know right away that you are not going to be able to eat it in one bite. It’s common sense to think, “There is no way that whole thing will fit into my mouth, so there is no way I can take it down in one bite –…