The Modern Workspace
Times are changing at the speed of light. Old constants are falling by the wayside. Conventional ways of living, thinking, and working are ever-evolving and so is our workspace.
Even before the devastating COVID-19 hit, many people were re-evaluating work-life balance, or what it means to work in the office.
Thousands of hard-working individuals around the world have begun to work from home or at least change up their work environment by bringing it along with them as they travel, or move around.
Thanks to high-speed internet and creative go-getters, the entire world is just a click away, and millions of people are taking advantage of the possibilities of creating their own workspace and environment.

It’s not unusual while taking morning jogs, to see people setting up makeshift offices on blankets with coffee in the park. More and more rooms in people’s homes are being transformed into their personal creative workstations and it’s exciting to see.
There is an exciting buzz around the world…of people awakening to new options and alternatives and it is evident in the workplace.
The pandemic has forced many people to reevaluate their work commute & school/homeschool situation, and many are discovering that they like the freedom of not having to schlep the long morning commute, or just enjoy taking a morning meeting in their house slippers. We are here for it – all of it!
Really, isn’t that system sort of tired and antiquated anyway?
Some parents have found out that with the help of excellent homeschool options, keeping their kids at home for school and placing them in after-school activities, clubs, and sports is a great way for families to connect and learn together.
There are many different ways to work nowadays, and it’s nice that many corporations are seeing the benefits of allowing employees the option of working from home. Many large firms are reaping the benefits of lower office and building overhead expenses while maximizing production with happier and more efficient working employees. Really, it’s a win/win overall.