All eyes on Me…
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with expectations and weighed down by other people’s ideas of how you should be or live your life? Well then, you are not alone. So many feel depressed, exhausted, or even motivated by what others think of them. But why does it matter so much? With Society’s constant hammering of the perfect vacation destination, home, family, and other things, it’s no wonder we are fighting a constant battle with ourselves about how to act and spend our time. Let us not buy into those ideas of how others envision you (unless you share those views of yourself). Instead, boldly revel in the uniqueness of you!…
Finding Your Rythm!
Here’s to you all out there who tackle the day with zest! Sometimes, the hardest part of the day is when your alarm clock goes off, the drive to work, or right before your workout. Sometimes we dread the unknown and make a bigger deal out of our task than it is. I am also certain that we have all felt that luxurious point, where you pushed through the doubt and fear and put one foot in front of the other to produce wonderful results. The moment when it all clicks and you feel in the zone. Grateful for waking up and doing the work. Proud of yourself for digging…
Meet The Kung Fu Force!!!
We have to share this amazing children’s book series which is a great introduction to the world of Kung Fu, but also a window into young self-discovery!! This book series written by world-renowned Actor, Producer, Author, and investor Robin Leong is a fantastical, clever, and entertaining peek into the world of Kung Fu! Through the help of cute, capable, and quirky characters, You will take your child on a magical journey that will help them understand and grasp the art of Kung Fu and life lessons as well. Make “The Kung Fu Force” series a part of your gift list for all of the children you know! Trust me, they…
Show Me The World Project
Good to the last drop coffee in more ways than one!!! “Fresh Coffee For A Refreshing Cause” is the catchphrase for this amazing coffee brand with a purposeful mission. Show me the World Coffee is a unique coffee brand in which 100% of every single bag supports local education in Ethiopia! Show Me The World’s Project mission is to provide youth from under-resourced communities equitable access to transformative educational experiences. Borrowing directly from their website below is a description of the concept, mission, and foundation of this coffee that serves humanity and tastes so good!!! Our family member Cleve was so gracious in buying a few bags for us to…
Leaning into your passion to find Your PURPOSE
SwemSchool. Dekalb, Georgia Sometimes when we are at a crossroads with work, social life, or anything else, it’s a great time to take a step back, inhale deeply in meditation, and then……have some good old-fashioned fun! Yup, you heard that right. What good does endless stressing do? How do mindless thoughts, anxious movements, or rash actions help the cause? They Dont!!!. It’s not productive to stay stuck in a rut just going through the motions without getting positive results. If this is happening to you in any facet of your life, it can be a great sign, that you are not on the right track or path and need to…
Hello Beautiful. Nature’s Bounty!!!
Earth. Appreciating our amazing planet. Some days if you ever feel stuck in a rut or at a loss for creativity and excitement, just put on your walking shoes and head outside! So much splendor and visual inspiration surround us every day. From the swaying moss on the trees to the statuesque crane full of dignity and grace. Stop to inhale the scent of a magnolia tree, rosebush oven freshly cut grass. Take in the serenity of your local pond. Notice how everything has its calm presence and flowers gently with the slight breeze, creating a symphony of nature’s sounds. The ducks, birds, squirrels, and other inhabitants of the watering…
Glorious Travel Butterflies!!
Is it just me, or do you also get so excited at just the thought of planning your next getaway? Whether it’s a short stay-cation at a local hotspot or a 10-day cruise of the Panama Canal, the thought of planning the excursion is almost as intoxicatingly wonderful as the experience itself! I get so excited, planning itineraries, mapping out favorite local hot spots, and thinking of immersing myself in a new culture. The overall experience is such a thrill, that it always provides just the right amount of glee, to hold me over until the next trip. When staying in that state of mind of excitement and gratitude looking…
Creating a safe space…
We have all heard of child-proofing a home. But almost always that refers to a child’s physical safety. But many times the mental and spiritual health of the child is not regarded with the same vigor. To feel truly safe, one needs to be in an environment where their true self, opinions, and needs are heard, considered, addressed, and celebrated. It is so easy for families and individuals alike, to only see the world or circumstances through their lenses. But what of consideration for those sharing space around us? There may be differences in tastes, hobbies, interests, politics, and so on, but to truly feel safe one needs to feel…
How to channel and harness your positive energy.
Good Vibes Only! The practice of gratitude and simply thinking of the things love or love to do is a clear and present way to remain in a constant state of joy. It is nearly impossible to think of things that truly make you happy and tingly inside and then at the very same moment be sad, doubtful, or bitter. To truly let yourself be immersed in your favorite thoughts is to be swept away by them. Overcome with emotion your entire being feels the energy of seeing and feeling the thing you love that you are thinking about. This sends shockwaves through your nervous system from your brain to…
I know a Secret…
How in the world do you move forward when you have no idea which way to go?!? At times do you feel stuck in the mud, or maybe even cement? Frustration would be a relief when you feel so lost in the weeds, that you feel you have no possible way to free yourself from the mire. I have been there periodically and it can weigh you down like an anchor if you let it. Learning to adapt new techniques to overcome that feeling and see your way through, can be as simple as finding little guides or mantras that can help you through the tough times. For some, the…