Glorious Travel Butterflies!!

Is it just me, or do you also get so excited at just the thought of planning your next getaway? Whether it’s a short stay-cation at a local hotspot or a 10-day cruise of the Panama Canal, the thought of planning the excursion is almost as intoxicatingly wonderful as the experience itself!

I get so excited, planning itineraries, mapping out favorite local hot spots, and thinking of immersing myself in a new culture. The overall experience is such a thrill, that it always provides just the right amount of glee, to hold me over until the next trip. When staying in that state of mind of excitement and gratitude looking forward to all the fun perpetuates a constant state of feeling as if I am always on vacation. Now that’s, Holiday Rising lifestyle living at the core!!

You can apply that thinking to everyday life as well to enjoy all of life’s everyday beautiful moments. Looking forward to every smile, every beautiful sunrise, every vibrant beautiful color that this lovely world offers us allows us to be present and appreciative and presents a whole new world to us in return. All we have to do is accept it, smile, and say thank you!!!

This wild journey we call life will always present challenges, heartaches, and roadblocks, but how we choose to view these things determines our eventual outcome. If we can understand that life is a work of art of our own making, that we can create our canvas and paint the greatest piece of art ever imaginable, then even the once mundane or troubling things, don’t seem so daunting or oppressive anymore. We have all heard the phrase “Your attitude determines your altitude” and I think that is true.

If at the moment you don’t think you have the funds to go on an extraordinary travel journey, then pack a lunch, take a walk, and escape to a local park, pond, or museum and be transformed in that moment to somewhere magical. And in taking that leap and journey in your mind, you have brought about that same adrenaline rush of getting on a plane and traveling the world. That very vibe just might bring on the actual trip itself, you never know. The universe picks up on frequencies and since, like attracts like, just being on the good vibes frequency helps to create a world of happiness and joy.

Just give it a try, and let yourself not just enjoy the ultimate destination, but the days leading up to it as well. Appreciate all the days in between leading up to the main event because they are all a part of the grand journey. Enjoy it all, treasure it all, and be grateful for all, and then you will find yourself in a state of permanent bliss!

Happy Holiday Rising!!

Creating a safe space…

We have all heard of child-proofing a home. But almost always that refers to a child’s physical safety. But many times the mental and spiritual health of the child is not regarded with the same vigor. To feel truly safe, one needs to be in an environment where their true self, opinions, and needs are heard, considered, addressed, and celebrated.

It is so easy for families and individuals alike, to only see the world or circumstances through their lenses. But what of consideration for those sharing space around us? There may be differences in tastes, hobbies, interests, politics, and so on, but to truly feel safe one needs to feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

Allowing each child to express themselves and shine in their regard, especially in a family of 4 or more is crucial for self-awareness and identity. It helps to shape not only how we view ourselves, but how we are perceived by others as well. Showing children, their value at home and encouraging them to explore their talents, dreams, and hobbies is an excellent way to teach them to move in a society where many have polarized, individual thought, self-empowerment, and recognizing every individual as the core of a community.

These lessons of our future leaders are learned at home at the earliest of ages. When parents celebrate kindness, individuality, courage, curiosity, compassion, and exploration, then the child learns to feel safe and encouraged to explore the world through an unfiltered and magical lens, where anything is possible and any dream that can be conceived can be achieved.

Perhaps if more of our leaders and society as a whole, were truly more confident in themselves and their ability to operate in a world that values critical thinking, understanding, and logic from all areas, then we would be able to work cohesively in harmony to advance our amazing human race and astonishing universe. Let’s create a safe space at home so that we in turn end up creating a safe world!!! Blogs like my favorite, Multicultural Kid blogs help to do just that!! Thank you for being such a positive beacon of light and hope MKB!!

How to channel and harness your positive energy.

Good Vibes Only!

The practice of gratitude and simply thinking of the things love or love to do is a clear and present way to remain in a constant state of joy. It is nearly impossible to think of things that truly make you happy and tingly inside and then at the very same moment be sad, doubtful, or bitter.

To truly let yourself be immersed in your favorite thoughts is to be swept away by them. Overcome with emotion your entire being feels the energy of seeing and feeling the thing you love that you are thinking about. This sends shockwaves through your nervous system from your brain to your toes!! It’s like an adrenaline boost that says “Hey I love this, I am happy. 

If it is true that “thoughts become feelings, and feelings become things”, then we do create the world around us like many of the New Thought Authors of the 18th century and people who know “The Secret” believe. Wow, how amazing to know that you are the author of your world and that we are all connected in the great spiritual and scientific realm of physics! We were created by atoms and matter that collectively were attracted to each other and collided in a wonderful explosion of Wonder!!!

So we can shape and form the world around us as we go, so think about your favorite song, your child’s cutest smile, the best view you have ever seen, and be transformed by the feeling of that place. That feeling itself is transmitted out to the great universe and picks up other energy transmissions like it and sends them right back your way tenfold!!! 

So recall the last time your breath was taken away by something beautiful, read something that captivated you, feel something that made your heart skip a beat, and rejoice to know that you are vibing on a frequency so high that you become a magnet for more spectacular feelings!! Thus you are creating the world around you of your very dreams!! If you can see it in your mind, then you can make it your reality!!! My Sister Cheryl, who is celebrating her birthday today, is creating her path and forging ahead by exploring the fascinating and extraordinary world of the “secret”, positivity, and the amazing power of manifestation. It is truly a beautiful experience to behold and witness. Happy Bday Sis!

It’s a practice that seems so easy but is so hard to grasp for many. but once you give in and accept the true process of either  ‘choosing happiness’ or ‘choosing the alternative” it IS a choice. So now knowing that you have the power to affect not only your mood, but your circumstances and those who enter your path, Dream your wildest dreams and feel as if they have already come to fruition, and watch the amazing results unfold!!!

I know a Secret…

How in the world do you move forward when you have no idea which way to go?!?

At times do you feel stuck in the mud, or maybe even cement? Frustration would be a relief when you feel so lost in the weeds, that you feel you have no possible way to free yourself from the mire.

I have been there periodically and it can weigh you down like an anchor if you let it.

Learning to adapt new techniques to overcome that feeling and see your way through, can be as simple as finding little guides or mantras that can help you through the tough times. For some, the power of deep breathing relaxes the nerves. The 4/4/6 method works well. Inhaling 4 seconds, then holding your breath for 4 more seconds, then finally slowly releasing for 6 seconds does wonders!! For others, it’s visually looking at something calm, like a body of water or a beautiful meadow or garden. 

Sometimes just being aware of your feelings of stress or anxiety or feeling down, coming on should call upon your newfound controlled self to call your aides, to help out in times of need. I love to listen to music, take walks, and gaze out into the ocean or even a pond for solace.

Sometimes recognizing your actions, mood, and movements are off can bring to your attention the need to find your calming center. Maybe it’s time to carve out time for a good read.

In this new age of social media, fast-paced living, and everything at your disposal in seconds, it’s time to create your zen during each day to reconnect with your inner self.

Wonderful books to read, that allow you to see a different view of controlling your space, destiny, and manifestations is the Secret series by Rhonda Byrne!!!

Let’s Relax, Relate, Release, and manifest all the positivity and goodness the universe has in store!!!!

Happy Holiday Rising

Happy New Year!

New Year, New You!!

Hello, 2024!! Can you believe it’s been another 365 sunrises?

How have you fared with your last year’s resolutions? Did you surpass and surprise yourself in a good way? Do you need to take stock and re-evaluate this year’s resolutions? Either way, today is a new day and comes with the promise of hope and opportunity, so make the most of it!!

Say this is MY YEAR and mean it!!! 2024 is our time to shine.

Create your plan, and then let’s tackle every day bit by bit to achieve our goals together. No goal to big or small, let us pride ourselves at the end of each day with small victories that will no doubt lead to our greater ones.

There will be obstacles, tests, and other opportunities for us to show our fortitude and character, so embrace all roadblocks as well, and let’s turn them into real blessings! GOOD VIBES ONLY.

Wishing Everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year!!

Step into the future with positivity, courage, and a great work ethic!

XOXO Holiday Rising

Let’s crush it this year!

Become your number 1 Fan!!

It’s time for another self help mental check in. Yes, grab your pom poms, and cheer as loud as you can for yourself! In this moment right now, take the time to reflect on your accomplishments, wonderful attributes and milestones.

Seriously, for the next 60 seconds, I want you to dedicate your thoughts on focussing on rooting for all that you are. You deserve the loudest cheering section of all. So relish in all that you have accomplished, survived and flourished through. YOU ROCK. So give yourself flowers and enjoy this beautiful life and wonderful soul that you are!

Happy Holiday Rising

Dress For Success

We all know that it’s important to eat your vegetables, excersice and take care of your overall health and wealth in order to feel your best. Along with taking care of the inside, let’s dive a little bit into the importance of putting your best food forward and strutting your wares like a peacock on the outside as well. That’s right, looking your best, can equate to feeling your best and often it’s hard to know which spurs on which!! The old addage “fake it til you make it” comes to mind.

If you desire a fancy job that requires being styled to the nines, why wait unitl you get the job to dress as though you are already the boss. Strut your stuff right now!!! Pull out your finest gear and sport it as if you are already in the position you desire! The universe will pick up on the vibes you are sending off and put you exactly where you should be according to how you feel, look and express yourself.

The universe responds to energy, positive and negative. How you express yourself, feel about yourself and present yourself acts like a magnet and what you put out is what you are going to recieve in return, so make sure the impression you want to give is being represented!

How you are feeling can set the tone to what you wear and how you appear to the world so make sure the right impression is coming across. Sometimes, even when you are feeling blue or down and out, you can throw something special on and that can perk you right up in an instant. Or even if you are lacking a bit of confidence for an upcoming interview, meeting or special event, changing up your look and feeling great from head to toe in your nicest gear can surely change things around in a heartbeat.

It doesn’t take a long time, but can make a world of difference, so put your best foot forward and make sure that when you look in the mirror, you love what you see staring back at you!! You’ve got this, now go strut your stuff!!

Kingston is prepping his draft day fit!! #2034

Getting Organized 

All right we all procrastinate from time to time, you know what I’m talking about… pushing off the new diet till Monday or waiting until the last minute for deadlines making those cookies for the bake sale at the last minute.

Well let’s take the time to do everything we want in life by making a plan. 

Sometimes the best way to proceed is just to put your head down, shoulders, back while forcing one foot in front of the other to achieve your goals, one small step at a time.

One day leading to the next day leading to the lifetime of things accomplished that you put your mind to! Live your life the way you want to, and do it one small task list at a time. 

How do we go about this? We plan our work and then we work our plan!!!  A wise man once dropped that little golden nugget to both Colin and I, and it applies to absolutely everything!


 If you want to build a strong house you first need to draft a wonderful blueprint. If you would like to run a marathon first you need to select the right training for your running style. When cooking Beef Wellington for the first time, you first need to follow a carefully laid out recipe. These seemingly difficult tasks  are made easy and doable with first a Plan, and then the willingness to follow the steps of the plan, without fail!! That is most often the hardest part. 

When we first start out with a strong course of action we set ourselves up for victory and success. So let’s get started organizing our thoughts, our closets, and our work desks!! And most importantly for us holiday risers, our menus and party favors for family and friend gatherings!!😊This is the first step of conquering our many goals that we have for the year, so grab your planners and let’s go. Leap into fall with a great plan of action for each day!

Happy Holiday Rising!

Time to Date Yourself!!

OK it’s time date yourself. Yes, I’m talking a full blown courtship. A butterfly flutter, gut punching love affair with yourself! An affair of epic proportions that will set your soul on fire. But all for you and by you!!! It’s time for you to let go and truly become acquainted with the person you are toeday and appreciate all of the nuances and triumphmant aspects that make you, you!

As the Miley song goes “I can buy myself flowers, and I can hold my own hand” it’s time to give yourself flowers and time to floss and revel in your own beauty, grace and strength.

It’s time to wake up in the morning and not wait for anyone to tell you you’re beautiful, handsome or capabable and just tell yourself! Look in the mirror like Lizzo and say it’s “Bad Bitch O’Clock!!

With your extreme beauty, strength, good looks, intelligence and confidence you don’t need permission to compliment yourself. Don’t wait for someone to validate you or make you feel a certain way…. you know what kind of comedy you like, so put one on and laugh until your side hurts!!! You know what kind of music you love.. so enjoy blasting music as high as the volume will turn and let yourself go!!!

Maybe enjoy some much needed me time by grabbing your favorite author and a snack of choice and curl up in a cozy spot and indulge your self with a great read. Get lost in that fabulous novel or write one of your own! The point is take the time to date your self. You know all of the things that you want to do and enjoy, so whether someone asked you to join them or not you are worth it so enjoy yourself, love yourself, and indulge yourself, date yourself!!! You are truly something special and a pleassure to be around.

Happy Holiday Rising

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