It’s Time To Pat Yourself On The Back
Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations – job well done!! Too often were quick the point on our flaws, unattained goals, achievements that we never quite grabbed, daunting tasks ahead, failures, mishaps, etc. We put too much emphasis on what’s at the end of the finish line. We’re here to tell you CONGRATULATIONS – because in spite of all of those things you’re still here. You’re still standing. You’re still reading this which means you are fighting the good fight. You care. You are not…
Finding Grace
There’s beauty all around us, an abundance of joy within us. So often we look externally to be fulfilled, however everything that we need to create our personal Heaven already exists within our minds. All we have to do is accept it and live it. There are many answers to fulfill many paths to righteousness and infinite possibilities of how we can live our lives. Believing that we have the power to create our own lane space and emotional well-being freeze us to live a more fulfilled purposeful and joyful life. Often the path to finding Grace lies through countless roads of bitterness, heartache, & hurtful truths about ourselves, that…
Are You Helping Or Enabling
Why Making An Impact Is Harder Than You Think Help your fellow humans, give something back, tithe a portion of your income, blah, blah, blah. For everyone out there that is giving money to charities to support whatever your cause is, congratulations!! You are doing something that is very important, and you should continue to do it. (Seriously, this post is not an excuse for you to stop helping others. If that’s what you take from it – please read the post again. Before you do that though, maybe look at yourself and explore why you are going out of your way to find any excuse to avoid helping others.…
When Feeling Blocked….How Do You Proceed?
Have you ever felt stifled, numb, or completely incapable of making a move one way or the other? Stuck in a malaise of indecision and nothingness? It’s not often but when this happens to us, we have found that either talking things through with someone, be it a professional, friend or even stranger can be a lifeline and well-welcomed release. Yes, even just saying it aloud (or on a blog to the world) is a freeing gesture giving way to resolution! Keeping feelings of angst, indecision, sadness, paranoia, or anger is not healthy in any case, and the pandemic has been a monster for many who already battle with anxiety…
Making A Way – Out Of No Way
It is inevitable, at some point or many times in life you are going to hit obstacles. Some large some small, some to test patience, others to test faith or character, and so on. We all must deal with these challenges. In doing so we must get creative at times to get over the hurdle. During times of financial stress, we can still afford the mental and satisfying escape of travel or the feeling of it at least. We’re sure you are familiar with the phrase “Robbing Peter To Pay Paul.” We here at Holiday Rising were way too familiar with this phrase until we restructured and refused to compromise…
You Can’t Eat A Watermelon Whole
Have you ever sat down in front of a watermelon and thought to yourself, “I can take this thing down in one bite.” Just you and the watermelon. Seeds or Seedless. One Bite. Seriously, have you ever thought that? No…no you have not. Do you know why? Because it’s stupid – that’s why. When you take a look at a watermelon you know right away that you are not going to be able to eat it in one bite. It’s common sense to think, “There is no way that whole thing will fit into my mouth, so there is no way I can take it down in one bite –…
Mornings Like These…
Have you ever looked at a child, family member, or even your spouse while they are reacting to a funny joke? Ever heard a story related to their childhood that just blew you away because as they were recalling the story, their face absolutely lit up and you noticed new bits and quirks of their personality that you had never seen? It’s mornings like these, that capture the feeling. Mornings, when nature and nurture are in tune and you are sharing a perfect moment with someone you love. This tends to happen often for those fortunate enough to spend quality time with each other in a relaxed and fun environment.…
Just Start
Alright, stop what you’re doing, cause I’m about to ruin…. …the day you had planned. First off, you need to stop reading this blog, and every other blog for that matter. You need to stop planning. Stop budgeting, stop studying, stop trying to figure things out. Get off Facebook, get off Insta, stop surfing the web. Stop killing time & procrastinating. Just start. Start what you want to do. Whatever idea that you have ruminating in your head. Whatever desire you actually want to achieve. Whatever it is. Nothing is going to happen until you take action. Planning has its benefits. It definitely helps smooth things along. It is important.…
Letting Go Is Okay
Have you ever had so much to do, so many thoughts running in your head, so many ideas, & so many things on your calendar that literally all you can do is just collapse in your chair unable to move? Usually, we all feel like we can conquer the world, like we have a plan, or are in control of our lives. Maybe things are moving a mile a minute at times, but you can manage to fit it all in. Sometimes though, there are those days that hit you like a sledgehammer, those days that really knock you off your feet, and let you know that you just need…
Your Path
This is just one person’s humble opinion about their own life and what they are here for. You SHOULD NOT agree with everything. Hopefully, you don’t disagree with everything too. Read and absorb. Whatever truly resonates with you, take and bring with you on the rest of your own path. Anything that doesn’t, discard and move on. If you don’t like it, and feel the need to add a negative comment to the mix, then – cool – you do you. Maybe you want to ask yourself why you feel that way, and where that need is coming from first, though. A little bit of self-introspection never hurt anybody, and…