It’s Time To Pat Yourself On The Back
Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations…
Finding Grace
There’s beauty all around us, an abundance of joy within us. So often we look externally to be fulfilled, however everything that we need to create our personal Heaven already…
Are You Helping Or Enabling
Why Making An Impact Is Harder Than You Think Help your fellow humans, give something back, tithe a portion of your income, blah, blah, blah. For everyone out there that…
When Feeling Blocked….How Do You Proceed?
Have you ever felt stifled, numb, or completely incapable of making a move one way or the other? Stuck in a malaise of indecision and nothingness? It’s not often but…
Making A Way – Out Of No Way
It is inevitable, at some point or many times in life you are going to hit obstacles. Some large some small, some to test patience, others to test faith or…
You Can’t Eat A Watermelon Whole
Have you ever sat down in front of a watermelon and thought to yourself, “I can take this thing down in one bite.” Just you and the watermelon. Seeds or…
Mornings Like These…
Have you ever looked at a child, family member, or even your spouse while they are reacting to a funny joke? Ever heard a story related to their childhood that…
Just Start
Alright, stop what you’re doing, cause I’m about to ruin…. …the day you had planned. First off, you need to stop reading this blog, and every other blog for that…
Letting Go Is Okay
Have you ever had so much to do, so many thoughts running in your head, so many ideas, & so many things on your calendar that literally all you can…
Your Path
This is just one person’s humble opinion about their own life and what they are here for. You SHOULD NOT agree with everything. Hopefully, you don’t disagree with everything too.…