Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!
In honor of Dr. Kings Holiday and Birthday we would love to share the essays that Ace & Kingston submitted for the Dr. King Essay contest sponsored by the Aurora Public Library. We are proud of the work that the boys submitted along with all of the entries from all participants. You can also check out Ace’s post reflecting on the impact of Dr. King while visiting the Monument in Washington D. C. for the National Park Trust Here. God Bless!
Easy Disney Pepperoni Spring Rolls
Inspired by our time visiting Disney World Walking around Disney World really builds up an appetite. Especially, if you have little kids…they seem to be constantly hungry and are always asking if they can get one of those when you’re at Disney. If you are looking for just a little snack in between your “Character Lunches,” try to find the Spring Roll Cart. These little bites of goodness are exactly what you need when you’re walking from one ride to another. Both filling, and portable, these rolls are the perfect snack. They come in Pepperoni Pizza Roll, Cheeseburger, and even Buffalo Chicken. Take your pick, or try them all. Easy,…
Disney World Appreciation!
When You Wish Upon A Star…. For years now…oh, and we mean MANY years, (over 40), we’ve been blessed with the ability to go to the fabulous magical land of Disney World in Lake Buena Vista Florida. Our family was even among the very first to ever grace the grounds in their inaugural year. We certainly adopt all of the fascinations, childlike nuances, and excitement every time we go back. Heck, we even moved to Orlando just so we could become Annual Pass Holders. The sheer joy of watching a child’s expression when they experience it for the first time is something that fills your heart with glee. It is…
Nothing Beats A Failure But A Try…
You Can Do It!! One of the reasons we decided to become self-employed was to have the independence and freedom to have a lifestyle that would allow for travel. Although there have been several bumps in the road along the way, (along with many different companies), we have learned the value of seeing a company or idea and seeing it through to its true potential, then selling it with love. Some might call us Company Flippers instead of Property Flippers. Choosing this entrepreneurial avenue has allowed us the opportunity to try so many new things, learn new vocations, and explore so many different opportunities. Our endeavors have taken us from…
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Everyone!! Let’s Make This Your Best Year. No More Excuses, No More Putting Things Off! This Is Your Year!! New You In ’22!!
It’s Time To Pat Yourself On The Back
Right here, right now – stop what you’re doing & take your hand over your shoulders (with some gusto – we add) & pat yourself on the back. Say congratulations – job well done!! Too often were quick the point on our flaws, unattained goals, achievements that we never quite grabbed, daunting tasks ahead, failures, mishaps, etc. We put too much emphasis on what’s at the end of the finish line. We’re here to tell you CONGRATULATIONS – because in spite of all of those things you’re still here. You’re still standing. You’re still reading this which means you are fighting the good fight. You care. You are not…
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas To All – Love You All & Hope You Have A Great Holiday Season!! Bring On 2022!!!
Finding Grace
There’s beauty all around us, an abundance of joy within us. So often we look externally to be fulfilled, however everything that we need to create our personal Heaven already exists within our minds. All we have to do is accept it and live it. There are many answers to fulfill many paths to righteousness and infinite possibilities of how we can live our lives. Believing that we have the power to create our own lane space and emotional well-being freeze us to live a more fulfilled purposeful and joyful life. Often the path to finding Grace lies through countless roads of bitterness, heartache, & hurtful truths about ourselves, that…
Big Island Style Mai Tai
Inspired By Our Time On The Big Island Volcano House Restaurant & Hotel Volcano National Park, Hawaii One of our most memorable camping trips ever was going to Volcano National Park, on the Big Island of Hawaii. This National Park feels like Home – as we’ve been several times. Ace even got to go on a field trip with his elementary school, where he and his fourth-grade classmates were able to spend the night camping and got to go bowling at the park’s bowling lane!! We’ve been going to Volcano National Park for so many years now with many different relatives and it is such a memorable trip to look…
Up, Up and Away!
Looking to create a truly memorable family experience that everyone can enjoy? Why not rev up the adrenaline a bit, and try your hand at skydiving!! It’s funny how there are certain things you would never do unless it was for someone you love…well we can add indoor sky diving to this list! It was one of those experiences that we would have never chosen to do on our own but because our son, Ace, desperately wants to actually jump out of a real airplane at 30,000 ft (like his Dad) we found ourselves doing the next best thing. Even though we were all terrified, we found ourselves letting go…